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Written by John-Michael Tebelak and Stephen Schwartz, Directed by Ernie Zulia

Hollins Theatre Institute, Hollins University, Roanoke, VA

How do you tell a 2000 year old revolutionary love story in the 21s century without sounding like a broken record?  At Hollins, we did it by centering women, and even more specifically allowing the role of Jesus to be portrayed by a woman of color.  This refocus outside of the mainstream of white, Western Christianity, as well as an attention to fresh staging in an alley configuration with audience interaction and moveable, illustrative and graphic scenery placed the story of Jesus's unfaltering love for her friends into a time outside of time - this story will never be unrelatable.

March 2017

Director: Ernie Zulia
Scenic Designer: Sarah White

Technical Director: John Forsman

Lighting Design

Costume Designer: Marc Vital


© 2015 Sarah White. All rights reserved.

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