Written by Michael Jacobs, Directed by Amy Hayes
Sketch-up/Photoshop Rendering of the set
Basile Theatre, IndyFringe
Indianapolis, Indiana
Love is not always painted in the style of realism.
Through the artwork hung in a small, upscale art gallery and the personal relationship the owner and her acciental assistant have to the pieces, Impressionism explores what it means to step back from the art our life has produced to look at it not as a photographic memory, but an impressionistic painting, allowing the fuzzy strokes to expand into a clearer picture of what it is we have lived, and the life we still have left.
February 2016
Director: Amy Hayes
Lighting Designer: Ronn Johnstone
Scenic Designer: Sarah White
Projections Designer: Kelly Gualdoni
Costume Designer: Amy Hayes
Technical Director: Ronn Johnstone