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Detective Story
Written by Sidney Kingsley. Directed by Ronn Johnstone. Anderson University. November 2009.

Detective story

Film Noir

Painter's Elevations

Detective story
Byrum Hall, Anderson University Theatre
Set in the late 1940s, this dilapidated detective precinct in NYC has seen its better days. With a plotline to rival a Greek Tragedy and a cast the size of a Shakespeare show (who frequently appear onstage in large numbers), the set was designed to both enable visibility for the low-set audience seating as well as to assist the other design elements in creating a film-noir mood in a live (and in color) production.
November 2009
Director: Ronn Johnstone
Lighting Designer: Morgan Ozenbaugh
Scenic Designer: Sarah White
Costume Designer: Carmen Sprauge
Props Designer: Bethany Clayton
Technical Director: Christian McKinney
(Photos by Morgan Ozenbaugh)
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