The Rocky Horror Show is an iconic, action filled rock musical with a loyal fan base that has become a cult phenonmenon. In designing this show, I did not want to be slavish to the film adaptation, but sought to create an interesting, innovative design that would be both acceptable to the avid fans and memorable to the Rocky 'virgins'.
In creating this large of a set on a small budget, I decided to use painter's plastic as facing instead of traditional wood or masonite for my walls. Though intially a bizzare and challenging (though cheaper) choice, this decision was fortuitous in that it allowed my lighting designer to change my set to be whatever color the scene needed via LEDs hung behind the set to backlight the plastic.
Other innovative scenic elements include a sunken band pit with a passarelle, the film strip gate, Rocky's birth from a slide, and Sex Puppets!
February-March 2015
Director: Steven Eubank
Lighting Designer: Jamie Lenord
Scenic Designer: Sarah White
Costume Designer: Sarah Oliver
Sound Designer: Michael Heuer
Props Master: Bret Engle and Trevor Fredericksen
Technical Director: Kaleb Krahn
Grant Hall Theatre, The University of Missouri-Kansas City
Film Strip Gate Photo credit: Brian Paulette